The American people can breathe a little easier now that they probably can't get legally locked up without a trial.
District Judge Katherine Forrest temporarily blocked a section of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which had many people worried they could be subject to indefinite military detention. The punishment is appropriate for crimes such as killing thousands of innocent civilians, which Al Qaeda is accused of doing, and which the U.S. government claims the act targets. But the language of the law would allow the military to detain anyone who knowingly or unknowingly has supported terrorism. Anyone being... you.
The Judge blocked the statute of NDAA that would allow the military to lock up anyone who has supported terrorist groups or their “associated forces.” The language would essentially make anyone who has been an unwilling hostage of a terrorist organization, non-profits providing aid to the hometowns of reported terrorists, or even cellphone carriers who unknowingly give access to terrorists to check their Facebook, to be labeled terrorist allies.
Judge Forrest also felt that the NDAA provision threatened political dissenters. That is, anyone who has accused the U.S. government of war crimes or questions its foreign policy. Seeing as how the NDAA came to fruition around the time that political dissent has become a trend, with Occupy holding strong in the U.S., many worry that it exists to quiet opposing voices. The Freedom of Speech would become a crime, and with it, all American values would be jeopardized.
Luckily, the law was blocked... at least for now.

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